Monday, April 13, 2009

Arthritis in your Big Toe

Orthotics can be used to treat arthritis in the big toe. In arthritis, the cartilage starts to crack and erode, resulting in bone rubbing on bone. As this is painful, extra bone is laid down at the edges of the joint to try and stop movement and thus symptoms. This is why arthritic joints are often enlarged.
When arthritis affects the big toe, it loses movement, becomes stiff and can cause pain, alter the way you walk and limit the heel height of the shoes you can wear. This condition is known as Hallux Limitus or Rigidus.
It can be more common in women as they tend to wear tighter, narrower shoes with increased heel height. These shoes place a lot of pressure onto the joint and predispose them to symptoms. It is also common for patients who wear shoes that are too small to be predisposed to the problem.
Orthotics can be useful in cases of arthritis, as the orthotics help to reposition the foot. This will help relieve the pressure placed on the hallux, and help alleviate the pain. The reduction of pressure can also help to slow the progression of the arthritic condition.

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