It is estimated that greater than 75% of the population suffer from EXCESS PRONATION due to the Tibial Varum Factor and the unnatural, hard flat surfaces that we walk on daily. EXCESS PRONATION often disrupts normal nee function and hip alignment and increases forces on the lower back muscles. These bio mechanical deficiencies are common in all types of patients from children to the elderly, from top athletes to people with a sedentary lifestyle. By realigning the lower limb to its natural angle custom orthotics ensure correct foot function and help relieve common bio mechanical complaints. In combination with the Podiatrist's regular treatment regime, custom orthotics are usually successful in alleviating chronic pains. The human foot was originally designedto walk on natural, soft surfaces like the earth and sand. Instead, we now spend most of the day on unnatural, hard, flat surfaces like pavements and floors that force our feet to flatten and twist. The "LOSS OF OUR FOOTPRINT" has resulted in a new modern variety of pan and injuries. The normal lower limb has a 3-4 degrees Tibial Varum (mild blow-legged) angle when approaching the ground. When the feet strike natural surfaces like earth and sand, these surfaces give way to accommodate to the foot's strike angle. However, when the feet strike hard flat surfaces like pavements and floors the feet flatten and pronate excessively upon contact. Excess pronation at the SUBTALAR JOINT commonly exhibits: CALCANEAL EVERSION - INTERNAL TIBIAL ROTATION - MEDIAL PLANTAR DISPLACEMENT OF THE TALUS UPON THE CALCANEUS - LOWERING AND ELONGATION OF THE ARCH STRUCTURE - EXCESS WEIGHT BEARING OVER THE 1ST METATRSOPHANGEAL JOINT - EXCESS MEDIAL LOWER LIMB STRAIN - EXCESS LATERAL UPPER LIMB COMPENSATION. Remember your footprints when you last walked on the beach? You will notice that the sand gave way under the lateral strike of your heel forming a natural wedge. Thus preventing excess subtalar joint pronation from occurring. This is what custom orthotics will do for you and your feet.
Heel Pain?
12 years ago